Daphne's Glove: Tamsin Abbott

Daphne's Glove piece by Tamsin Abbott: 'And She Was' 
 90cm tall x 32cm x 32cm  
Lime bast. Stripped hazel. Wool felt. Hand stitched.
Glove partner: Sharon Hall Shipp

“I realised that I had taken on this project for the excitement of doing something quite different from my usual work but along the way I’d persuaded myself that I would not be ’up to’ a response in textiles and that I must use the medium I am known for, glass.  After a frustrating period of not getting anywhere, it finally dawned on me that it was the glass element that was blocking my progress and that I needed to work with other materials even if that meant the quality of the finished piece would be somewhat suspect against the high standards of the rest of the group.
The long and convoluted path I had taken returned me to my pagan heart. Once I’d allowed my ‘sideline’ interest in Ovid’s story of ‘Apollo and Daphne’ to become my sole inspiration, progress began."