Daphne's Glove: Jeanette McCulloch


Daphne's Glove piece by Jeanette McCulloch: 
'Daphne's Glove - A Constellation'
Nine pieces, each 30cm x 37cm
Mixed media: hand printed papers, paint, cloth, beads, hand stitch.
Glove’s partner by Mandy Pattullo

“A name and a glove, both intimate personal objects.
The inside of a glove holds the memory of a unique palm print, a lifeline, palmistry, astrology, astronomy and the stars above.
Imagine an amateur stargazer looking upwards and noting down on a gloved hand, observations of the night time sky. Later to be embroidered. As daylight disrobes, each glove becomes an embroidered braille constellation, a tactile reminder of that which can no longer be seen.”