This week they found out.
Each artist received a small parcel of items and the following instructions:
"In your parcel you will find a single, pale glove and some Cash’s woven name tapes. This is the base material to be used in a piece of artwork made by you as a participating member of the 2015 Group Gathering project.
There is a partner to your glove which has been given to another of the project artists. At the end of the project the glove pieces will be reunited in an exhibition. At this point you don’t know who your glove partner artist is. This is to give you free reign in what you choose to do with your glove and name tapes.
The final glove piece can be 2d or 3d. It doesn’t have to remain as a glove, it can be ripped or deconstructed, it can be used in conjunction with any additional materials you choose. Any medium goes; dye, paint, stain, rivet, stitch, print…
The gloves being used in the project have all been pre-used. They have been washed to freshen them but no attempt has been made to remove any stains or marks.
The Daphne Bryant name tapes were found in a junkshop in North Herefordshire in their original, possibly 1930’s, box. The box has ‘Daph’ written in pen across it. Some other items belonging to Daphne were also found which indicated that Bryant was her maiden name. It is up to you whether you choose to be influenced by this information.
The deadline for making your piece is 30th April 2015 "
Daphne's Glove.
The artists have just over six months preparation and making time.